
Mobile Product and Interface Research and Design. Lookbook is an application that allows consumers to request services from different cosmetic stylists.


UX and Interaction Design

Role: User Experience, User Research and Testing, Interface Design, Feature Design
Tools: Photoshop, ProtoPie, Illustrator, Adobe XD
Team: Paulo Carlos, Arth Bhattarai


Lookbook connects those looking for stylist services whether it be a haircut, makeup, skin care, or any personal cosmetic artists to local, self-run stylists who are looking for customers.

Design and Prototye

Lookbook needed to be designed from the ground up. Our team went through several iterations of designs and prototypes which we used to test our users in order to refine the experience of using our application.

Lookbook Experience Map

Early Persona

Research and Process

Through this project, I conducted numerous user testing and research to fully understand what the needs of my users are and what other possibities that might come up with the design outside of my own ideas. Creating Personas, User Journey Maps and Empathy Maps helped me look at how I solved design issues holistically and through the lens of the users that I am designing for. This process helped refine this project's experience more pleasurable to use.

Example of early design process

Onboarding Process

Booking Appointment Flow


This project gave me an insight on a complete workflow of researching, designing, and testing an application and its features. I learned a great deal about how to design experiences, and how to properly design interfaces. I think the most important aspect I learned was designing within the context and specifications of a problem, as well as designing for as much users as possible. This also goes in hand with really understanding how to identify my audience and their needs. Learning how to create personas helped me really understand what a potential user would need, rather than a surface understanding of things they may want. Understanding user goals and experience maps helped my design process and improved how I refined my design. By actually understanding the issue I’m trying to solve by framing it within these boundaries really improved my thought process in design. It made me realize that having a well designed experience really does make a massive difference in how we use products and services.