Hello! I'm Randy

🚧 currently under re-construction... 🚧

⚡ Incoming Software Engineer Intern @ Lumentum

⚽ Formerly Technical Artist @ Electronic Arts

⛰️ Formerly Web Developer @ Safe Inc.

If you are interested in checking out some projects I have worked on, click here or take a peek at my demo reel here. Or you can learn more about me here!

about me.

I'm a Canadian multidisciplinary developer born in The Philippines, based in Vancouver B.C. My heritage comes from being an Igorot, Ilocano and Filipino, proud ethnic groups of The Philippines. Coming from a diverse background, with interests from game development, cinematography, UX/UI design, and teaching kids how to make games, I try to bridge ideas and create touchpoints in all of the projects that I partake in.

As a BSc graduate of The School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) at Simon Fraser University, I've oriented my goal in every project to build a user-first perspective and ensuring each component is built with thought towards usability, and maintainability.

If you would like to get in touch, I may be contacted at randypanopio@gmail.com

download resume get connected with linkedIn check out my github

profile image

demo reel.

case studies.

Here showcases some of the public projects I can freely share with the world!